Outer Hebrides

By bike
By bike

The Outer Hebrides are popular for cycle tourists, generally taking around a week to cycle from Barra to Stornoway.

By ship
By ship
Caledonian MacBrayne
(http://www.calmac.co.uk/). The national ferry service. Details below are for Summer 2006:

Berneray to Leverburgh on Harris Daily 3-4 per day, taking 1 hour.

Eriskay to Barra Daily, up to 5 per day, taking 40 minutes.

By bus
By bus

There are good bus services during the day Mon - Sat, but little in the evening and no buses on a Sunday.

Western Isles bus timetables


Many of the islands are linked by road causeways and bridges, which have progressively been built over the last 50 years or so. Most recently causeways have been built to Eriskay from South Uist, and to Berneray from North Uist.